Al Ghayda for Investment and Sustainable Development Foundation

Al Ghayda Investment and sustainable development foundation Objective
Al Ghayda Investment and sustainable development foundation Objective
Basic Law of foundation
Chapter 1: Label

AISDF is the abbreviation of “Al Ghayda Investment and sustainable development and foundation” and the name of the association.

Chapter 2: Label

Creating sustainable projects for population in need:- Women: Divorced and widows, handicaps, fresh graduate students, extra gathering the target projects in a network by field and nature end encouraging the identified project managers to the importance of the durability, efficiency and effectiveness of their projects and Sensibilisers from about the ethics’ of the social and economical solidarity programme and participation of the target population in the local, regional, national and international events also bringing investors to the country and encourage them to give a percentage to charity actions as sponsors.


What criteria is used by the trustees to determine who the charity helps or what it does or promotes?

It must ensure that charity aims are supported by benefits to make decisions to improve people's lives in general, particularly to manage potential harm or detriment to public charity beneficiaries and main duty to know who can potentially get benefit from the purpose and giving the proper consideration to the full range of methods in which you can carry out full responsibilities of charity purpose by focusing on certain beneficiaries by given and providing a real reasons for doing so and trustees must consider and make sure decisions are correct according to framework of the charity. Charity trustees are the people whom share ultimate responsibility for governing body also charity and deciding directing how it is managed and run for given a full support in different cases and focusing on donate %100 to end user and to be mange as below:

Charity trustees are the people whom share ultimate responsibility for governing body also charity and deciding directing how it is managed and run for given a full support in different cases and focusing on donate %100 to end user and to be mange as below:

Board of Management
Board of Trustee
Board of Committee
Board of Governors
Board of Directors

Does an individual or organization need to be a member of the organization to benefit from its purpose?

Some people of factors that can also affected by using aspect of who can be benefit from the charity purpose include membership provisions and physical access to facilities provided by the charity, for example, opening hours and charging from a successful business for a charitable service are used only to run the charity with the natural cost to cover a charity non-profit initiative for people in need.

Does charity provide normal public facilities or services as a way of carrying out its purpose?

Charity must be for the public benefit only and charity of commission advised and checks that all charities must provide full services based on the activities to public.

Does charity change people to be a member or to access its services or facilities?

Based on the management of the trustee, the charity must be managed in a way that does not exclude those who are affordable with low capacity and can adjust the offer for services under the legal provision of the charity commission and companies house for nonprofit company.

Company Address
28 Carlyon Road, Atherstone, CV9 1JH,
Warwickshire, United Kingdom
+44 7 585858 797

Alghayda Consulting For Investment and Sustainable Development

Lloyds Bank

Swift: LOYDGB21287
IBAN: GB96LOYD30995037290063
Account No: 37290063
Sort Code: 309950

Please Provide a Charity Estimated Gross Annual income?

Depends you have contacted the accountant which we both agreed to handle all account work for AISDF you won’t going to ask as it is a fresh charity with nonprofit company as per now no figure could be estimated yet.

Kindly explain how charity is or will be founder in the future?

As discussed with Mr. Mohammed Mahdi, the director of nonprofit company, I understand that the charity will be mainly relying on public donations %100 to end user beneficiary, and source of incomes to nonprofit company will diversify directly to beneficiary %100 and to other rolling company for covering expense of the charity will be totally different.

What are the procedures of identifying and verifying the donors and the conditions attached to any donations (if any)?

Charity will protect our projects and the main lines or help people as a set-up to separate businesses for a non-profit company.

Does the charity buy goods or services from a trustee/ founder/ a person linked to a trustee/ a person related to the founder/ an organization linked to a trustee/ an organization connected to the founder, or is it likely?


Chapter 3: The Neutrality of the Association

The Association is concerned mainly with the economic and professional aspects.

Chapter 4: Social Headquarters

The social headquarters of the Association is temporarily located on the above address and the Administrative Council has all the powers to transfer it to another place

Chapter 5: Duration

Except for the intended solution under the relevant legislation or under this Basic Law, the period of the association's continuation is not specified.

Chapter 6: Composition

The Association is composed of:

Each member shall, within the time prescribed by the association in its internal law, perform the annual engagement duty.

Chapter 7: Membership Conditions

To maintain the status of a member of the Association, you must:
• Committing to abide with content of the Basic Law and the Assembly procedure rules
• Undertaking the annual contribution duties and all deductions that may be decided by the Assembly
• Not to interfere in any way with the normal conduct of the Assembly.

Chapter 8: Loss of Membership Status

You lose membership status within the association in one of the following cases:
• To cease the activities that entitles to join the Assembly.
• Loss of the status and legality of the professional organization or sector that represents it.
• non-payment of the dues of the Assembly within the deadlines specified in the rules of procedure
• Submission of resignation by a guaranteed letter addressed to the President of the Board of Directors of the Assembly
• Impeachment by a decision of the Administrative Council.
It remains that the missing member of the membership shall be required to perform the duties and entitlements of the association.

Chapter 9: Responsibility of Members

The property of the Association is the sole guarantor of all its undertakings.

Chapter 10: Financial Year

The financial year of the Association shall commence from the 1st of January and end on December 31 of the same year.

Chapter 11: Financial Resources

The Association's financial resources are comprised of:
• Annual membership duties according to the value specified in the internal law
• Contributions To achieve special programs
• Assistance and donations from public or private entities licensed by law
• In general, all sources licensed by law.

Chapter 12: Accounting The Board of Directors

Shall be responsible for accounting for all ongoing operations and the Board shall appoint an auditor to ensure the monitoring and follow-up of the accounting operations.

Chapter 13: Financial Reserve

The financial reserve consists of excess revenues and can only be used by a decision of the administrative council to accomplish the objectives of the association.

Chapter 14: Common Rulings for All Groups

• The general Assembly consists of members of professional organizations, public and semi-public institutions and companies involved
• No member shall vote unless he is satisfied with his contributions as decided by the Administrative Council
• No member shall be entitled to be represented in the public gathering except by delegation of another member of the same professional organization
• Complementary members may attend the public gathering in an advisory capacity provided they are called by the President
• The General Assembly shall not be held except on the day, hour and place referred to in the invitation. The invitations shall be sent 10 days before the day of the meeting by means of individual letters indicating the purpose of the meeting. The same procedure shall be followed in subsequent invitations.
• The deliberations of the general public shall be recorded in reports recorded in a register and signed by the President and the General Secretary- and in the absence of one or both of them, they will be represented by their deputies; If not they refer to voting.

Chapter 15: General Crowds

• Foundational General Assembly the General Assembly shall be held exclusively upon the establishment of the Oases of the Desert at the invitation of the Preparatory Committee, attended by representatives of the professional organizations.
• Ordinary general assembly Regular General Assembly shall be held regularly during the first half of each year.

Terms of reference:

The annual general assembly shall be informed annually of the literary and financial reports submitted by the Administrative Council for approval, shall decide on the budget of the previous year and shall approve the budget and program of work for the following year.

Created By Dr. Mnina Boussaoula- AISDF