Al Ghayda for Investment and Sustainable Development Foundation

Financial of the Foundation

AISDF founder knows that it is essential for you to use your donation effectively. It's also important to us. This is why we are working hard to reach the highest grades of accountability and transparency possible. As AISDF, under the United Kingdom law section, a private, non-profit, non-governmental entity can ensure that every penny donated is used as effectively as possible.

Our due diligence records, monitors, and allocates on-the-ground donations to our programs to catalyze sector-wide change in the communities of the United Kingdom and uplift some of the poorest communities in the world. To optimize performance and ensure control and transparency, the AISDF closely tracks our administrative and fundraising expenses. Vision is what guides every aspect of our activity to meet our strategy of objective by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. AISDF attempt to Contribute supporting the medium and the smallest projects that people can gain access to affordable future with their successful business so that could lead they family have better education, health care and better stander life opportunities, can realize their full potential.

Engage, educate, and encourage those who are passionate about helping women who do not have a sponsor to feel more confident in terms of activity-based charity funding, equal opportunity.

Allocation of Expenses of AISDF The Well

A small and dedicated group of 15 private donors helps fund our operating costs and fuels our 100% Model. We as AISDF celebrated the 3-year anniversary of The Well and the impact made possible by these loyal supporters.

Our target for Clean Water Projects is always in Asia and in Africa

AISDF team funded something new: a sand dam. This solution is particularly effective in drought prone geographies. A riverbed is dammed so that sand can purposely build up to create an underwater reservoir where water is stored and partially filtered in a natural way. For community use, pumps are then mounted on the sides of the riverbed.

We partnered with 11 partners in individual countries and formed multiple partnerships, including five in Uganda, our highest partnership density, as well as new partnerships in Sierra Leone, Madagascar, and Burkina Faso.

AISDF Non- Profit Organization

But all improves with access to clean water. Clean water, particularly for women and kids, means education, income, dignity, and health. That’s where AISDF come into nonprofit organization and %100 to end user.